Sunday 9 October 2011

Flexibility- The art of surviving and thriving

Flexibility-Mental agility is today’s hidden but omnipresent requirement in every corporate. Nobody will say this but every manager expects it. In Today’s dynamic environment it is difficult to say what will be your role, responsibilities, targets or location for next few months. Nothing is constant each variable is driven by the business demands which is fluidic and not solid.
When we keep on doing same thing for a long period (3 to 12 months) we settle down in the daily mundane activities what I say in another words is our own little Comfort Zone. We feel safe there we are in control of our own world where everything happens as expected which gives us a feeling of security.
Problem arises when we are asked to come out of our comfort zone by giving us new responsibilities, locations etc without much time to get prepared for it. For an organization it is a small but necessary change for greater good. But for us it’s like someone rocked our world. It at times feels like an end of the world, as we cannot think of anything beyond what we were doing and doing good for so long. We do not want to leave the security, the comfort, the mundane, and the control, which we developed over a period of time. Fear of unknown weighs us down even before trying.
Our mind works in a unique way it will give us lot of reasons to avoid, obstruct or confront the change and do whatever we can possibly do to get back to our routine. Mind will come up with numerous reasons logical or illogical, practical or impractical why you should not accept the change. We can feel our whole energy drained in these thoughts. You know why it happens? Because we ask the wrong questions from our mind: Its like a search options in your computer, you will get whatever you search for and not what is good for you.
Think for a moment, and ask the right questions?
Why am I being so rigid, is there something good for me in this, is it a new direction in which my career might go, can I learn something new personally/professionally, is management testing my flexibility… Believe me you will get some answers that will lift you up and see all the change in different light.
Don’t out rightly reject the change, take your time may be few moments ask these questions and then act. Organization hired us to solve the problem and that is why we get paid. Beware am I becoming a problem myself or I am a physically and mentally agile employee who is here to make a difference. This is our chance to latch on the opportunities presented to us in the form of change. And we can live a powerful life.
True learning happens where our mental boundaries ends. 

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