Saturday 10 January 2015

One simple resolution of 2014 fullfilled- Read 36 books during office commute

This year has been great as far as my reading is concerned. In the beginning of the year I made a simple commitment to myself that during my office commute I will read books. In my mind I gave a target to read 36 books. My home to office is a 20 minute metro ride, that gives me a total of 40 mins of reading time daily. I did most of my reading on my mobile and few paperbacks. I made a deliberate shift in my reading habits as I used to specifically devour the business/self help/motivational genre. This year I moved towards fiction and I thoroughly enjoyed my journey. Few of the surprises for me were reading romance and young adult fiction which I personally never thought I would do. Cases in point are works of Susan Mallory and Ilona Andrews. 

Books I read in 2014

Few of my key takeaways from this whole reading project are:

1) Read business books where you can spend more time reflecting on the practical applications of the concepts learned. May be making notes, underlining etc. Otherwise important things may get lost.
2) Read fiction in metro, so I will continue reading them. It helps to de-stress
3) Sometimes speed hinders the experience you have while reading. Dashing to the finish line works sometimes, but sometimes you need to savour the words, the expressions, the emotions and the whole experience.
4) When you set a target to yourself, then your mind works in a different ways. It keep on finding ways to achieve your goal. I personally experienced this during this project.
5) Juggle between E-books and real books- You can never take away the experience on reading a real book even though E-books are more practical in today's times.
6) Romance and young adult fiction is not that bad- In fact I will read few this year too.
7) We can find time in the smallest of places if we want.

This year I will take up something else, what it is I still don't know, but it will come to me soon.

Thanks for reading :)


Saturday 20 September 2014

National Achiever’s Conference 2014

13-14 September 2014

Pursuit of human excellence is my passion. So when I got an opportunity to attend a 2 day National achievers conference in New Delhi I knew I couldn’t miss this.
These 2 days were awesome where I listened to some of the best minds from various industries and soaked their knowledge.
I will share my experiences and key learning points from each speaker so this can also add value to the readers.

Day 1

I reached at around 7:10 at Thygaraj stadium and got parking easily as I realized I was an early bird, though there were many people around. Slowly people started adding up, we went to the registration counter and saw Success Gyan/Success Resources staff, unfortunately they were all clueless on which counter is for GOLD and which for SILVER. Toilets were not opened up so people started complaining and shouting about the miss management of the event. Event staff was college going girls and boys and they themselves were not trained to handle this kind of mob. Finally things started to fall into place and registrations began. I was waiting for my friend and when he came we both registered they gave us a wrist band and a thick workbook for the conference. I saw one of my uncle there, he came with his son (ohh people from all walks of life were coming) I appreciate he brought his son who is in college now. I met two other mentors of mine whom I didn’t expect there. So I was surprised to see people with a common goal (which is learning) from uncommon backgrounds there.
We took seat in the auditorium by around 8:15 and the program started sharp at 8:45 AM. The environment was electric as they played uplifting music and videos. Though I saw less than expected people in the auditorium (approx 1500-2000) may be the audi was much bigger.
We were sitting just behind DIAMOND class which was 50K ticket. Master of ceremony Mr. Mike Attram kicked off the 1’st National achievers conference in India (it is running in its 22’nd year now and India got its taste in 2014)

Speaker 1: Les Brown

I have heard about him and may be also read 1 or 2 books written by him. He is a 70 year old speaker on stage and my god he was thundering on stage. Each one of the audience was captivated by his presence and speech. He spoke for 90 mins and promised to come back again next morning. He has beaten cancer recently.
Some notes from his session:
·         Most people have entertainment driven mindset- If this was a rock show the numbers would be much higher.
·         Make your move before you are ready
·         I never worked for major corporations but today I train AT&T, IBM, McDonalds etc.
·         Develop your mind- Improve your communication skills
·         OQP- Only quality people (Who is in your ears)
·         2 types of relationships we have:
a.       Nurturing relationships
b.      Toxic relationships
c.       Ask yourself what this relationship is doing to me
·         Possibility blindness
·         Live full- Die empty
·         If you die today what things, ideas, possibilities dies with you.
·         When things go wrong, don’t go with them
·         If you do what is easy your life will be heard, if you do what is hard your life will be easy
·         You have to make tough decisions- You can’t anticipate life.
·         Dreams come with a price- what are your 5 compelling reasons to go on when life catches you on the blind side.
·         People who are successful today are willing to do things today others won’t do.
·         Indiscipline life is insane life- Socrates
·         You are going to fail yourself to success
·         AND ALWAYS REMEMBER you have greatness in you.

Speaker 2- Sidra Jafri

She is from Pakistani origin and living in UK for many years. She is the founder of The Awakening & Global Leader in Consciousness. Honestly I never heard of her before. I found her dress slightly distracting as it was shimmering and focus was diverted because of that.
She talked at length about women empowerment, importance of women to be financially independent and how she found her calling in her current work. A little bit about abuse she faced from the society and her father as they desperately wanted a boy. Her parents were never blessed with a boy as 3 of them are all daughters and irony of life is that she has got 2 boys now.
Some notes from her session:
·         If a women is struggling in her life how can she raise kids with high self esteem
·         Men are head of family, Women are neck of family. Head move where neck want it to move.
·         Start playing more roles into your life. Take up different projects – business/ social/ hobby so you have other things to fall back to when people criticize you in 1 field you have others to support you.
·         Whenever people start communicating relations become toxic
·         Person who controls finances, controls relationships (That’s why women should work)
·         Man’s self esteem is plugged into his bank account, women’s self esteem is plugged into 2 things- How beautiful she looks and how much money she makes.
·         To learn tools of success in your life have FUN – Finally understands nothing (be playful like a child)
·         Don’t let emotions guide you, use STOP: Stop-Think- Options- Proceed
·         We all have 4 bodies:
a.       Physical
b.      Mental
c.       Emotional
d.      Spiritual
·         What I appreciate, it appreciates
·         Steps for awakening
a.       Step 1: Become an observer of life
b.      Step 2: Have a reality check
c.       Step 3: Forgive the past
d.      Step 4: Align personal will with divine will
e.      Step 5: Take inspired actions
·         You spirits agenda is to experience life.
I found her session not at par with Les Brown’s session as I connected with her on few points. She is in this business for last 7 years only and will only improve with time. In the end she promoted Naturals (Life style partner of the event)

Speaker 3- Dr. Rohan Weerasinghe

He looked Indian but he is from Srilanka and now settled in UK. Dr. Rohan is a Global Property and investment guru. He asked the audience to call him “Bawldy” as he had no hair. He used the word “CHA- CHING” to condition our mind for sound of money. So whenever we like anything that he is speaking we were supposed to say “CHA-CHING”
Some notes from his session:
·         No point in getting into business if there is no problem to be solved.
·         Equity does not feed your kids
·         Work hard or work smart- choice is yours
·         Property pays you for life

Brick 1: Education and Strategy
·         Either you own the property or you own the contract
·         Financial freedom is achieved when your passive income exceeds your expenses
·         Cash strategy
·         Passive income strategy
·         Re-educate yourself
·         Mentor- 40 deals first
·         Have a system in place
·         Focus on continued professional development

Brick 2: Market research
·         House price ratio –
a.       Low 3 to 5 (Best time to buy)
b.      Medium 5 to 7
c.       High 7 and above (Never buy)
·         (1) Strategy (2) Area (3) Property (SAP) in this order
·         Don’t get emotionally attached to where you live

Brick 3: Raising Money
·         OPM- Other people’s Money
·         Money raising script- will teach in his 3 day course

Brick 4: Source and Analyze – Cash flow, Yield and profit (ROI), cash flow is most important
·         Identify distress/desperate sellers

Brick 5: Negotiate and creativity

Brick 6: Business tax and purchase
Honestly his focus was to sell his main course for Rs. 59000/- Lot of people was interested in his course but many things he told works in London for eg. There govt. will keep on giving you loan based on the price of your previous properties not matter how much loan you have taken previously, but that doesn’t work in India. So he was advising to come and invest more in London than any other place. Good thing is he will help analyze each market within India and abroad, so I guess a lot of property dealers, investors may be benefitted from his work.

Speaker 4- Peng Joon

He is a young digital marketer from Malaysia. He shared his story how he screwed-up his life before making it big in internet business. He looked like a 17 year old kid. He showed lot of video testimonials and also shown his Gmail account where he receive payment confirmation from the sales of his online product business.
Some notes from his session:
·         He sells only 2 things on internet and makes millions
a.       E-books
b.      Membership sites
·         Benefits of this business:
a.       Low cost + High profit margins
b.      Only need domain name + hosting charges
c.       Fully automated
d.      No limit
·         Strategy to succeed in this business

a.       Automat a niche- He says identify a niche audience, first select a topic and google it, see how many results it shows then go to relevant forums where people ask lot of questions on that topic. Once you have identified the product for a niche audience.
b.      Build a product- Forum is a great place for solutions. You should address top 10 solutions to the problem, hire experts to build product.
c.       Convert customers- Launch it well, get as many customers as possible. One strategy to do that is to contact the forum owner and work out a revenue sharing model with him. If you give him 75% of the earnings he will be motivated to sell it for you
and you will keep on generating 25% of the revenue for long term basis. This book helps him because his customers are getting the answers of frequently asked questions.
Peng Joon run a 3 day program called Internet income intensive where he will help us create our website, give us tools and software.   
Overall his session was good as he shared new ideas and showed what’s working for him. One major learning is that you don’t have to be an expert to write an e-book. Hire the subject matter expert and pay him. E.g. someone hired a piano teacher and recorded her for 8 hours, then broke it up with 15 min. each lesson and created a home study course on how to play piano like an expert. I liked the idea but decided not to pay Rs. 60000/- for his course of 3 days.   

Speaker 5- J.T Foxx

Now this was one speaker who was only selling and that too very aggressively. He was a smooth talking American who wanted to impress everyone by showing his photos and videos with Richard Branson, Donald trump and Arnold Schwarzenegger etc. He is a wealth coach and helps other businesses in marketing, branding and positioning to increase revenue.

Some notes from his session:
·         Never quit on yourself
·         Whatever it takes
·         Go big or Go home
·         Earn more work less
·         Speed of implementation matters
·         The moment you come up with an idea and you take action that determines how successful you become.
5 keys to your first million:
a.       Marketing
b.      Branding
c.       Attract buyers
d.      Raising capital
e.      Networking with millionaires

·         My network is my net-worth
·         Personal brand- How great you are
·         Company brand- How great you are to your client
·         Awareness | Education | Consideration | Action
·         First to market
·         IDEA- Innovation | Determination | Engagement | Action
·         What gets measured gets managed
·         What gets rewarded gets repeated
·         If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me
I could see a lot of people were impressed by his delivery which I found to be too high pitched and aggressive. I desperately needed a cup of tea after this session.
Few branding stunts I got from him were- Click photos with every famous man and use it unapologetically everywhere. He has his tie company so what he also does is-he ask the celebrities like Arnold or Steve Wozniak (Co-founder Apple) to wear them when they come to his events. Next year he is calling Al-Pachino and Silvestre Stallone to his event called mega partnering. 

Speaker 6- Mahatria Ra

Now apart from internationally acclaimed speakers like Robert Kiyosaki and Les brown I was definitely looking forward for this man’s session- Mahatria Ra. Few years back I stumbled upon his monthly magazines called Frozen thoughts and took an yearly subscription. The magazines were really good, the message was clear. His style was backed by substance. Later I came to know that the magazine is no more in circulation and Mr. TT Rangarajan has now transformed into Mahatria Ra and formed a cult called Infitheism. I got skeptical that is this next OSHO in making. I watched his youtube video and was impressed by his delivery and simplicity of message. Only thing that kept me at distance was fear of getting into scientology type cult (in this case infinithism). As they say learn good things from anywhere I sat through his session. By the way during lunch while talking to some people we came to know a lot of people have come to listen only him. Atleast 40 ppl came from Pune alone. When we asked Why Delhi, they told me that he is not coming to the Bangalore event. Surprisingly we couldn’t see those ppl on Day 2 (I think they went back after his session). Before he came on stage lot of people started waving blue ribbon which I guess was color of infitheism. But man putting all the logics and reasons and apparent fanaticism aside when the man came and spoke he was divine (No I am not joining Infitheism but surely I will keep a close tab on his teachings and soak as much as possible.
Some notes from his session:
·         You challenging yourself
·         Great manufacturer don’t create ordinary products. E.g. When new Apple phone launches you rush to buy one, but you haven’t tried that product still you trust the manufacturer. Similarly God is a great manufacturer he has created only extra ordinary product- which is you. We are all great products but underutilized human potential
·         Past does not equal future
·         Possibility of infinite
·         Don’t think you have come up from “Where to where” start asking yourself from “here to where” E.g. Narendra Modi Chai wala to PM is a great story to read in autobiography but now we are interested in from here to where. Sachin Tendulkar, Barak Obama.
·         Yesterday’s success do not deserve today’s applause
·         Be contended about your past and be ambitious about your future
·         When source meets object with intensity transformation happens
·         6 Step formula:

Expect more from myself-
a.       Expectations over which you have no control is a wish e.g. City pollution should be less
b.      Expectations over which you have control is a desire e.g. I will raise my immunity level so that pollution don’t affect me.
c.       Do not settle for an ordinary life
d.      Aspire to completely do justice to human potential

Align myself with highest work ethics
e.      If I take up something I will not leave it incomplete so that someone else don’t need to complete it
f.        I will not compromise on the standards I set for myself
g.       Look forward for Mondays in life. Whatever lifestyle you live or have is because of your work. (Thank God it’s Monday)

Back it up with relentless intelligent effort
h.      What can be done by others should be done by others, then only you can do what only you can do. E.g. Child can learn Maths by a Maths tutor but loving a child only you can do.

Treat short term success as motivation
i.         Let it not feed your Ego.

Treat short term failures as maturity gains
j.        Never analyze yesterday’s decision with today’s maturity
k.       Keep going- Keep growing

Find a way to factor those divine vibrations into your dreams
l.         (Energy + Effort + Faith)
m.    Arjuna couldn’t fight the war
n.      Krishna wouldn’t fight the war
o.      With Krishna (energy), Arjuna (Effort) and Arjuna’s faith in Krishna it happened
This was the best thing that happened to me on Day 1

Day 2

Day 2 started early as I reached the venue at 7:30 still early bird. Anyway the entry started at 8:30 only. Today also I was able to grab the first row just like yesterday (I has to sprint for it)
Program started on 8:45 sharp again with Mr. Les brown

Speaker 1: Les Brown

Almost all of these speakers weaved their story with personal photographs of their early childhood, growing up years etc. Their slides only contain 1 line or 1 word with a full size photograph. Mr. Brown shared many stories and incidents from his life establishing his credibility and passion towards his work- which is to make us successful.

Some notes from his session:
·         Your ability to communicate is your passport to your world
·         Find a compelling why- His “why” was to give his mother financial security
·         Be the voice of your business
a.       Not just “a” speaker but “the” speaker
b.      When you pursue greatness you don’t know what your limits are so you act like you don’t have any
c.       Never make a point without a story and never tell a story without a point
·         Be coachable: Some time you have to believe in someone’s belief in you till your own belief kicks in.
·         Be creative: Find ways to make yourself stand out- e.g how he got his first break as a Radio jockey
·         Be determined: Giving up is not an option
·         Be thankful: Best is yet to come
·         Be thoughtful: Reflect, next move, strategies
·         Be Active: I am Unstoppable
·         Be connected: Don’t be the smartest person in the group- move to another group. Surround yourself with people more intelligent than yourself
·         Be patient: See it through
·         Be passionate: You have got to be hungry
·         Provide more services than you are paid for
·         Give something before you ask, get the foot inside the door
Mr. Brown shared about his 2 day course on how to use effective story telling techniques and be a powerful communicator. Quite a few people registered in his program.

Speaker 2- Sidra Jafri

This time I only listened to her and not made any notes. She told some stories like Freddie the frog- where a frog’s indecision to get out of the boiling water lead to his death.
She also promoted her 2 day program which she will conduct later this year.
Overall I felt she was okay nothing much.


Speaker 3- Courtney Smith

He is a history making stock market investor. As I didn’t had any interest in stock broking I went out of his session to have tea and snacks. Later when I came back he was explaining about his program, what I liked about was that first he will teach the basics of trading, then he will give some of his money to trade if we do well then he will give more money to play with. What I liked as a trainer was generally people learn concepts but do not practice it later hence new skills learned are lost. When the practice phase is inbuilt in your learning program then inertia to start can be overcome and confidence will be built. Secondly if the trainer is giving his money to play with then the relationship changes from teacher-student to business partner. He will be equally interested in the students’ success. Another selling point he shared of the course was that during the practice phase whatever profit we will make it will share between him and us. Whatever loss we make it will be absorbed by him. 

Speaker 4- Clinton Swaine

Now I was specially waiting for this speaker because he is from my profession i.e. trainings. So when I came to know that he is marketed as world leader in experiential business trainings my interest for his session was high.
He started with a simple phrase PARTICIPATION=VALUE
Then he gave the example to 2 boys billy and Johhny who visited Disney house for the first time. Billy was excited for everything he was reading the map, planning his rides, trying different rides and was immersed in every moment. On the other had Johnny was sitting aside making faces as the ride he wanted to take had a long queue. At the end of the day when their parents asked how was their day. Billy said- I had the best day of my life. Johhny said- I had the worst day of my life.
He conducted 2 experiential learning activities which I will explain after the notes.
Some notes from his session:
·         When you read any contract, circle all the numbers mentioned because every number is negotiable
·         RAB: Rules Are Breakable not Laws are breakable
·         Rules are made for the masses- To keep the flock together and move at the slowest speed
·         Evaluate consequences upfront before breaking the rules
·         Always be HFC: Hungry for Coaching
·         Feedback is the breakfast for champions
·         Growth happens in struggle
·         Steps to Mastery:
o   Commitment- Knowing Vs owning
o   Excellence e.g. Michelangelo
o   Intensity
o   Repetition
o   Frequency
o   Innovation
·         Steps to become Elite:
o   Mastery
o   Genius- Ability to accumulate little distinctions as you go along
o   Artistry- Your unique way of doing things
o   Driven- Desire to push had towards your goal. Difference between commitment and Drive is- When you put an alarm for 6’o clock and you get up at 6 that is called commitment. When you are driven you wake before 6 and wait for alarm to ring so you can shut it off.
o   Demanding- Need for resources
o   Legacy- Leaving a unique body of work that lives on after you pass on
·         ECC- Embrace Constant Change
 Game 1: Change the story
2 people will be paired together. One is called Amazing (for A) and other will be called Brilliant (For B). A will start any story to tell B and at any point B will shout change. A have to change the course of the story and adapt. This goes on for 3 mins ultimately the story becomes very funny. Then after 3 mins B will start and A will shout change.
The activity focus on being adaptable to change as in business and life things changes unexpectedly.
There was not debrief from Clinton, but I debriefed my partner J
Game 2: Pay to Play
On a page there were 18 conditions like:
·         Born in October
·         Eye Glasses
·         Painted toenails
·         Masonic ring etc.
We had Rs. 200,000 to spend and in other coloum we can write what we earned.
The objective was to collect signatures on 18 items from people who have those things.
Keep as much money as possible in Bank (so negotiation can happen)
Earn as much money as possible
 E.g. I have to find someone who wears an eyeglass and ask him to sign my copy. He will charge some amount for his service which I will pay from my bank account. Lets say he charged 2000 for his sign, then rs 2000 is deducted from my total available balance and he can add those 2000 in his register under money earned. 
So I was able to take 11 signatures in the allotted time.
During debrief the trainer asked who has done this activity most out of everyone present, people said “you” then he asked so how many of you came to me for coaching, I would have guided you and your path would have been simpler. Secondly have you found anyone in the room with Masonic ring- No one knew what was Masonic ring was. Only he was wearing Masonic ring. So actually this activity could not be completed without asking for help from the trainer. Which no one did.
However, next day I Googled and came to know what a Masonic ring is.
Finally he was pitching his course, later I went to him and asked whether we can use your material for our training he said no, it is his intellectual property. So I guess I was not interested in spending 20K to attend his program. I clicked a photo with him J

Speaker 5- Mac Attram

Now he was the master of ceremony and we thought he will not take a separate session. He spoke at length on the work of T Harv Eker- The author of “Secrets of millionaire mind” which I have read and admire a lot.
Psychology of wealth (Inner laws of money)

In a tree we see fruits which are results. It comes because of roots. Results are visible but reasons of those results (roots) are invisible.
We have 4 worlds
·         Outer world
o   Physical
·         Inner world
o  Mental


o   Spiritual
Physical world is merely a printout of what’s going on in the inner world.
Money blueprint- Main program focus a lot on this
Thoughts>> Feelings>> Actions>> Results
Then he was selling T Harv Eker’s signature program which I would have definitely attended if it was happening in Delhi. Unfortunately it was happening in Chennai and Bangalore.


Speaker 6- Gerry Robert

Bestselling Author, Mentor and international speaker
Gerry started with jokes and humorous videos. Participants were really enjoying his humor.
The focus of Gerry’s talk was to innovatively use book as a marketing tool. He asked how many of you have been thinking of writing a book for years?
What holds people back?
I shared some statistics of writing your book and publishing it yourself.
8 steps to publishing success:
1.       Identify your primary objective of writing a book- Let your primary objective determine your content, not the other way round.
2.       Write the right content- Find out challenges your target audience face and provide solutions. Conduct Interviews of people who are successful in their field. Let go of the literary genius complex.
3.       Design an awesome cover- He will create a cover for us if we do his course
4.       Capture leads- Use it as a marketing tool on your website to capture leads. Create a lead capturing video- 25-20 seconds max. Give downloadable version for free. The money is in the database.
5.       Boost sales- Offer it free to prospects. Make it your business card.
6.       Get free publicity- Author announcement campaign
7.       Boost your income- Sell a chapter or sell advt. space in your book
8.       Decide to take action- Which is joining boot camp
I finally decided to join his course and paid the money. Let’s see how things go in the boot camp which is in October’14. I will add some of his slides in this section.

  Speaker 7- Robert and Kim Kiyosaki

Robert is famous for his best seller book Rich dad poor dad, which I read many years back and found it useful. He was the main attraction of the 2 day event. In other words he was the biggest star of national achievers conference.
Some of his statements were- Rich don’t work for money, Then what do they work for? | Savers are loosers | House is not an asset but liability
He gave 8 points in his speech:
·         Value good education- Not school education infact according to him school education hampers people from growing financially. Most super successful people never went to school or college dropouts – E.g. Michel dell, Bill gates, steve jobs etc.
·         Mission- What are you here for
·         Dream Big- Entrepreneur spirit Vs Paycheck spirit
·         Opposite- In school they say cheating, I say co-operation| They say use your money, I say use debts
·         Team- Asking for help is cooperation and not cheating. Don’t be afraid of asking for help from others
·         Mistakes- In school we are punished for our mistakes. How in the world do we learn if we don’t make mistakes
·         Spiritual- It guides you.
·         Generous- All rich people are generous in giving. They share their thoughts, ideas and money generously and it comes back many folds

Assets produce cashflow

Real Estate

Paper Assets


I would recommend reading more work of Robert kiyosaki to understand his concepts.
He differentiates each earner in one of the four quadrants.


Get out of quadrant E and S and move to quadrant B or I. When your passive income is more than your expenses then you are financially free.
Robert and Kim with their team will do a training program in London in Sept end. He softly promoted that. RICH DAD POOR DAD also have games and apps he promoted those also. He has written many books including one with Donald trump, he showed us all. Overall his teachings are radical but effective however you can’t blindly replicate everything in India. Interest rates and rents are much different here than the US. I will surly read his book again sometime this year.

So this was my whole experience of 2 days of attending National achievers conference. I am going there next year if it’s happening. I will use 5 things from this knowledge bank and apply in my life. Will share what’s working for me or not. This whole exercise of documenting was amazing. I desire to do that often going forward.
If you have reached this place I salute you man, you have patience. It’s a long document. Thanks for reading hope it has given some insights to you and you may have taken some learning from here.

Aseem Gupta

September 2014